Achieve Accreditation Excellence with Automated OBE

Effortlessly manage Program Outcomes (POs), Course Outcomes (COs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs), and CO-PO Attainment Reports. Attain superior academic results and simplify NAAC/NBA accreditation procedures with efficiency.


Define COs POs & PSOs

Define and align Course Outcomes (COs) and Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) with precision to ensure clear educational goals.

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    Precise Definitions

    Define Course Outcomes, Program Outcomes & Program Specific Outcomes.

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    Goals Alignment

    Align outcomes with institutional objectives & accreditation requirements

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    Regular Updates

    Ensure COs, POs, & PSOs remain relevant with regular updates

COs POs & PSOs

Customized Threshold & Attainment Criteria

Tailor attainment goals to fit your institution's unique standards and aspirations, fostering personalized educational excellence.

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    Flexible Thresholds

    Adjust thresholds as per different programs and courses

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    Personalized Criteria

    Define specific evaluation criteria for each program

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    Goal Setting

    Adjust attainment goals based on historical data & future aspirations

CO-PO Attainment Reports

Access thorough CO-PO attainment reports right away, leveraging automated data for strategic decision-making.

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    Automated Report

    Get comprehensive CO-PO attainment reports automatically

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    Comprehensive Insights

    Access in-depth analyses of CO-PO Achievement

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    Data-Driven Decisions

    Use automated insights for curriculum & teaching decisions


Hierarchical Visibility

From administrators to department heads, gain structured insights with hierarchical report visibility, enhancing organizational oversight.

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    Role-Based Access

    Assign report access based on user roles and responsibilities

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    Enhanced Oversight

    Broad oversight for admins & specifics for department heads

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    Optimized Reporting

    Efficiently distribute reports by hierarchical level

Assessment Integration

Utilize assessment tools within OBE automation to automatically capture & update exam scores, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual input.

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    Score Automation

    Automate exam scoring by linking assessment tools with OBE

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    Data Integration

    Directly integrate assessment results into the OBE framework

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    Performance Updates

    Get real-time exam updates & insights with assessment tools


Achieve Accreditation Milestones

Stay compliant with major accreditation frameworks such as NAAC, and NBA with our Automated OBE Software.

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    Accreditation Support

    Align with standards and achieve certification using skillaAI’s OBE

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    Compliance Management

    Automate accreditation processes to ease compliance with complex requirements

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    Institutional Prestige

    Reach accreditation milestones & improve your university’s status with SkillaAI

Benefits of Automated Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for Educational Institutes


Increased Accuracy and Efficiency

Reduces manual errors and accelerates administrative tasks with automated tracking and assessment.


Simplified Accreditation

Facilitates quicker and easier NAAC/NBA accreditation with detailed, automated reporting.


Immediate Insights

Delivers real-time data on CO-PO attainment, enabling prompt adjustments and improvements.


Customizable Evaluation

Allows for tailored thresholds and criteria to fit diverse program and institutional needs.


Enhanced Decision-Making

Provides data-driven insights for informed decisions on curriculum and teaching strategies.


Greater Transparency

Offers clear, detailed reports that enhance institutional accountability and performance tracking.

Frequently asked questions

OBE is an educational approach focused on defining and achieving specific learning outcomes for students. It aligns curriculum, teaching, and assessment with these desired outcomes to ensure students acquire essential skills and knowledge.
Implementing OBE is crucial for educational institutions because it ensures that learning is focused on achieving specific, measurable outcomes that reflect real-world skills and competencies. It enhances the quality of education, provides clear benchmarks for assessment, improves alignment with accreditation standards, and helps institutions demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and student success.
Course Outcomes (COs) are specific, measurable objectives for what students should learn in a course. Program Outcomes (POs) are broad statements about the knowledge and skills students should acquire by the end of a program. Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) focus on the specialized skills and knowledge related to a specific program or discipline.
COs are designed to support and achieve POs by specifying what students need to learn in individual courses. POs ensure that the overall program goals are met, while PSOs address specific aspects of the program.
CO-PO Attainment refers to the measurement of how well Course Outcomes (COs) contribute to achieving Program Outcomes (POs). It assesses whether individual course objectives align with and support the broader goals of the program.
OBE helps institutions meet NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) and NBA (National Board of Accreditation) standards by providing a clear framework for defining and assessing learning outcomes. It ensures programs align with accreditation criteria and demonstrate continuous improvement in educational quality.
Institutions can effectively implement OBE by defining clear COs, POs, and PSOs, aligning curriculum and assessment with these outcomes, regularly monitoring CO-PO attainment, and ensuring compliance with NAAC/NBA standards for continuous improvement and accreditation.

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