AI-Powered CCTV Gate Attendance Software for Employees

Integrate our cutting-edge software with your existing CCTV system for superior attendance management. It optimizes the process with unmatched accuracy, security, and efficiency, precisely tracking employee attendance.

CCTV Based Attendance system

Next-Gen Employee Attendance Tracking

Our AI-powered CCTV cameras automatically record and manage employee attendance as they enter and exit the premises.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    AI-Based Tracking

    Uses facial recognition to automatically identify and log employee attendance.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Real-Time Data Logging

    Updates attendance records instantly for accuracy and timeliness.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Late Check-In and Early Check-Out Alerts

    Provides notifications for late arrivals and early departures to ensure compliance with attendance policies.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Automated Overtime Calculation

    Automatically calculates overtime hours based on attendance data, simplifying payroll and compliance.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Integration with Payroll Systems

    Seamlessly syncs attendance data with payroll systems to streamline payroll processing.

CCTV Based Attendance system
CCTV Surveillance

AI Threat Alert

Elevate your security measures with AI Threat Alert, designed to proactively identify and respond to potential security threats.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    AI-Powered Analysis

    Utilizes advanced algorithms to analyse and detect unauthorized access in real-time.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Instant Alerts

    Provides immediate notifications to security teams upon identifying potential threats, enabling swift action.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Proactive Protection

    Continuously monitors for emerging threats, ensuring comprehensive protection of sensitive areas.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Comprehensive Reporting

    Generates detailed reports on security incidents, including threat types and response times, for in-depth analysis and improvement.

  • CCTV Gate Attendance System

    Real-Time Categorization

    Automatically classifies individuals as Employees, Visitors, Unidentified, or Threats for accurate monitoring and prompt response.

How Our CCTV Attendance System Functions for Employee Attendance Marking

Employee Data Registration

Input and securely store employee details, including facial recognition data, for precise identification.

Camera Tracking Initiation

Start the attendance tracking session via web and mobile app by an admin, or automatically synchronize with shift timings.

Continuous Facial Monitoring

Employ office cameras to continuously scan and track employees' faces during their entry and exit from the premises.

Facial Data Comparison

Utilize advanced algorithms to match scanned facial images with stored employee records.

Facial Identification

Accurately recognize employees using pre-trained facial recognition technology.

Automated Attendance Logging

Automatically capture & record entry and exit times for detailed employee attendance visibility.

Benefits of AI-Powered CCTV Gate Attendance System

CCTV Gate Attendance System

Eliminate Queues

Prevent long lines at check-in points with AI-driven tracking that logs only authorized employees.

CCTV Gate Attendance System

Unmatched Accuracy

Ensure precise attendance records with automated facial recognition, reducing manual errors.

CCTV Gate Attendance System

No Biometric & RFID Required

Track attendance using existing CCTV infrastructure, eliminating the need for biometric hardware and RFID cards.

CCTV Gate Attendance System

Threat Detection

Identify potential security threats in real-time to maintain a safe environment for all employees.

CCTV Gate Attendance System

Time Saving

Streamline attendance processes to save time, enabling HR teams to focus on strategic tasks.

CCTV Gate Attendance System

Real-Time Analytics

Gain immediate insights into attendance data for better decision-making and efficient management.

Frequently asked questions

Our system integrates with your existing CCTV infrastructure to automatically record and manage employee attendance using facial recognition. It identifies and logs employees, visitors, unidentified individuals, and potential threats, providing real-time updates and alerts.
Facial recognition eliminates the need for physical tokens like RFID cards, reduces manual errors, and speeds up the check-in process. It provides accurate attendance tracking without requiring employees to carry or remember cards.
Yes, our system provides alerts for late arrivals and early departures, ensuring compliance with attendance policies. This feature helps maintain punctuality and manage attendance records effectively.
The AI Threat Alert system uses advanced algorithms to detect unauthorized access and potential security threats in real-time. It provides instant notifications to security teams, initiates predefined protocols, and generates detailed reports on security incidents.
No additional biometric or RFID hardware is required. The system utilizes your existing CCTV infrastructure, simplifying installation and reducing costs associated with new equipment.
The AI-powered attendance system seamlessly syncs attendance data with payroll systems, automating overtime calculations and streamlining payroll processing. This integration helps ensure accurate payroll management and compliance.

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